Hangzhou Junting Luminescence Technology Co.,Ltd.
Hangzhou Junting Luminescence Technology Co.,Ltd.

JTB-7D Blue-green Glow Powder

JTB-7D Blue-green Glow Powder is a phosphorescent material with the molecular formula Sr4Al14O25:Eu,Dy, made from alkali earth aluminate. It emits a blue-green glow, making it ideal for applications such as molding injection, printing, glue filling, and spraying. This high-quality glow powder ensures long-lasting luminescence, enhancing visibility and aesthetic appeal across various uses, and providing reliable and consistent performance.

  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder
  • jtb-7d blue-green glow powder

Specifications of JTB-7D Blue-green Glow Powder

ModelModel No.Molecular formulaMaterialParticle sizeAfterglow intensity
ApplicationDaytime AppearanceGlowing Effect
JTB SeriesJTB-7ASr4Al14O25:Eu,Dyalkali earth aluminate150-155710122stones, ceramic, tiles, glass and etc.

Light Yellow

yellow glow powder


blue glow in the dark powder

JTB-7B135-140625100glue filling, stones, ceramic, tiles, glass and etc.
JTB-7C110-11558095printing, spraying, glue filling, tiles, glass and etc.
JTB-7D58-6352090molding injection, printing, glue filling, spraying etc.
JTB-7E22-2728042molding injection, printing, coating etc.
JTB-7F15-2024035printing, coating, fiber drawing etc

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    E-mail: jtym@lumi-nite.cn

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    Room 815 And 816, Building 2, Dongfang Mao Commercial Center, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

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